Wednesday, December 29, 2010

20 Week Update

How many weeks? I am 20 weeks!!  Half way there!!


How am I feeling?  I’m feeling great!  I am feeling more confident with my pregnancy these days and trying to enjoy it.

Doctor’s Appointment? No appointments this week.

Weight Gain? 10 lbs.

Baby Preparation?  Still haven’t pulled the trigger on the baby bedding or the crib.  I’m sure it will happen soon though!

What I Miss?  I miss running and sleeping on my stomach so much!  I am sleeping pretty good these days though, thanks to my Body Boppy Pillow!  Love that thing!



  1. you look gorgeous!!! radiant!!! so glad that things are going well. (((hugs)))

    A is sitting here with me- she is looking at the pic of Seven on your sidebar and said she wants that puppy dog soooo badly and has never seen a cuter dog!

  2. Great, can't wait for Allison to say she wants the Baby Body Boppy pillow... :) You look awesome, kiddo!

  3. You are just glowing Lauren! I loved my pillow too. I called him Phil :)

  4. Lauren, you look amazing. I'm glad ya'll had such a relaxing Christmas. Love to you!

  5. I miss sleeping on my tummy too. It's funny because I don't do it a whole lot but being told you can't makes you want to even more. You look great and I am so excited for you to be feeling good.

  6. Woo hoo! 20 Weeks! You look so cute!

  7. I'm so happy things are going look super cute!!!

    I am not a stomach sleeper, but when I was pregnant I would have paid someone $1,000 just to be able to do it! So I can't imagine how much you must miss it.

    Don't worry though because once she's born, you won't be sleeping on your stomach, side or back (unless it's a catnap beside Taylor's crib, or napping while holding her on your lap, the list goes on and on) - can't wait to hear all the adventures :)

  8. you look beautiful & I can't wait to see the nursery!!

    Take it easy & get lots of rest!!

  9. You are radiant Lauren! Healthy, expecting & happy what a way to start out the new year! I'm overjoyed for you & Josh! :)

  10. Cheers to 20 wonderful weeks!!! You will place that order when you are ready :)

    Have a wonderful NEW YEAR, as its filled with the promise of GOD's favor.

    Much Love and Prayers Always

  11. you look beautiful. i just found this blog tonight and read up on it and i probably could of filled a cup with my tears. Your amazing and your Green Beans are very beautiful. (im so sorry for the loss)...

    Congratulations on your 20 weeks!!!! Now that i've found this blog of you and your family i will be visting you daily. Hope you and yours have a very blessed an amazing New Year.

  12. Hi Lauren, I've been reading your blog awhile, not sure how I stumbled onto it, but just wanted to say i'm really happy to hear everything is going so well, so glad to hear the anxiety isn't overwhelming you as it so easily could. You look fantastic!! I just wanted to post a sleeping sack that you might want to check out seen as you guys like them. I really think this has helped my baby sleep SO much, I just wish I had of had one when my oldest daughter was born. If you google "Love me baby swaddle" it will come up. It's an aussie company, and although I am an aussie I have no affliation to it at all, I just reckon it's awesome! Happy New Year.

  13. I hadn't checked in in awhile, I'm SO excited for you!! Congratulations, you deserve it!! Oh, and you look GREAT! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers for a long, healthy pregnancy. God Bless!

